Promos for Movie Review Podcasts
A young woman fears for her life after she discovers the man she's having an affair with might be involved with the murd...
James Coburn, a military lawyer, defends a man who confesses to brutal murders to "possess" victims' voices. As he argue...
Kurt "Dirt" Merchant loses his low-level position at a record label, and he goes on to secure a job delivering summonses...
A men's magazine photographer has murderous dreams of offing his models. The nightmares become horrifically real when a ...
Pam Grier, Yaphet Kotto, and Carl Weathers star in this big-screen adaptation of the popular comic strip. When a magazin...
Lucio Fulci loosely adapts Edgar Allan Poe's classic tale. A psychic communicates with the dead, using his pet black cat...
Two aspiring models eagerly move into a luxurious apartment previously marred by a brutal murder. However, as the death ...
Luigi Bazzoni's stylish giallo, adapted from the novel, follows an alcoholic reporter who becomes a murder suspect he's ...
Callie, a former member of the defunct cult The New Family, agrees to a series of interviews for their show, L.A. Macabr...
Ryan and Jamie become more concerned when Colin and Callie go creepy crawling, an old Manson family practice. As Colin d...
After a disturbing video of Ryan, Jamie, and Colin engaging in Creepy Crawling surfaces online, Ryan is alarmed. He cont...
After Jamie's kidnapping, Ryan and Colin are forced to find help in unlikely places. With Callie's offer to help dash wh...