Coming Soon

A Clean Kill (1999)
A young woman fears for her life after she discovers the man she's having an affair with might be involved with the murd...
Death of A Soldier (1986)
James Coburn, a military lawyer, defends a man who confesses to brutal murders to "possess" victims' voices. As he argue...
Displacement (2016)
A young physics student is thrust into a race against time to reverse a deadly quantum time anomaly that has left her st...
Diary of A Chambermaid (1964)
Diary of A Chambermaid is a classic must see 60's thriller. To get a confession out of a farm-labourer she knows to be g...
Sea Devils (1953)
When a smuggler takes to the high seas in the historical era of Napoleon's threatened invasion of England, he meets a be...
The Chinese Connection (1972)
One of Bruce Lee's best films. Chen Chen returns to the international compound of China only to learn of his beloved tea...
The House by The Cemetary (1981)
A New England home is terrorized by a series of murders, unbeknownst to the guests that a gruesome secret is hiding in t...
Harvey (2021)
Stuck in a small town while taking after his lackluster mother, Harvey begins to resent everything and everyone around h...
Strigoi (2009)
The vampires Romanians actually believe in. The village drunk has been murdered and Vlad's been implicated so he sets ou...
Bereave (2015)
Fatally ill and resigned to his fate, Garvey believes he has come to terms with dying alone. However, when his beloved w...
Five Piece (2018)
A private investigator is hired to track down a missing girl on the run from a mysterious Silicon Valley corporation.
cause for alarm (1951)
A bedridden man with a serious illness starts to falsely believe that his wife and doctor are plotting against him. When...