Knight Watchmen

Knight Watchmen

S01E06 The Mourning After
After a devastating loss, the Watchmen team must come together in order to serve a warrant on Johnson. In order to survi...
S01E05 Losses
While Cecilia and Walter visit a potential witness who could shed light on the Marlow Case, Isabella must confront the k...
S01E04 The Holloway Case
The Watchmen are hired to find the killer of a young college student. While it seems to be open and shut case, Isabella ...
S01E03 GirlNight Out
Isabella and Cecilia get a chance to bond as they attempt to serve a warrant on a deadly criminal. The night doesn't go ...
S01E02 The Morning After
Isabella is horrified to meet her new dicer, Walter Baker. Before she gets a chance to fire him, they are hired by a wom...
S01E01 The Sabueso
Isabella Montoya struggles with her new assignment as a Watchmen, a private detective who not only solves crimes but mus...